What is BAföG support?

Students with German nationality can apply for BAföG funding to help towards their living costs. All applications are ‘means tested’, meaning that funding eligibility is based on aspects including household or family income, nationality, age and various other factors. Some EU and non-EU nationality students can also apply for BAföG depending on their residential status.

Depending on your personal circumstances, age at the point you receive BAföG funding, and health or long-term care insurance situation, the amount of BAföG issued can vary. Students who have additional responsibilities such as being a lower household income, care responsibilities or have their own children are more likely to be rewarded at the higher end of this scale. 

BAföG funding is paid directly to recipients to help towards living costs. It is up to recipients to decide how they use this funding. It can help subsidise living costs including rent or bills or be used towards tuition fees or other costs. 

How to Apply:

You can apply using BAföG’s Digital Portal. 

BAföG Digital Portal

The application is in two stages; 

  • Stage 1: Personal & household information 
  • Stage 2: Study & Education information 

 You will require the following documents which you can upload to the BAföG Digital Portal in support of your application: 

  • Valid ID/ Passport 
  • Proof of enrolment from BIMM University Berlin 
  • Rental agreement/ tenancy information in Germany 
  • Information on any income, parental or state funded support you receive 
  • Information on previous work, employment or training 

Proof of enrolment will be issued and stamped by BIMM University Berlin when you have completed the enrolment process. We will issue this document to you in both English and German language. 

What course and academic institution information should I list in my BAföG application?

You will be required to specify the course you are studying within your BAföG application, and academic institution.  

BIMM University Berlin currently delivers courses validated by two validating institutions; BIMM University Berlin and the University of Sussex. 

Please follow the instructions below based on your course of study: 

If you are studying a BIMM University Berlin validated course, please use the following academic institution and course details: 

Academic institution name: 

BIMM Group Ltd. UK 

38-42 Brunswick St. West 

BN3 1EL Hove, East Sussex 

Course name: 

Please write the course name as specified below, which correlates to the course you are enrolled in: 

BA (Hons) Music Production (Eindeutige Kennung/ Unique Identifier: 4485) 

BA (Hons) Music Business (Eindeutige Kennung/ Unique Identifier: 4484) 

BA (Hons) Music & Sound Production (Eindeutige Kennung/ Unique Identifier: 4790) 

BA (Hons) Filmmaking (Eindeutige Kennung/ Unique Identifier: 4782)

BMus (Hons) Popular Music Performance (Eindeutige Kennung/ Unique Identifier: 4660)

BMus (Hons) Songwriting (Eindeutige Kennung/ Unique Identifier: 4659)

BA (Hons) Acting for Stage, Screen & Digital Media ( Eindeutige Kennung / Unique Identifier: 4870)

MA Popular Music Practice* (Eindeutige Kennung/ Unique Identifier: 4661)

*please note BAföG is limited to students enrolled on the 1-year full time MA Popular Music Practice course.

What if my course is not listed above? 

All courses offered at BIMM University Berlin are registered with the Berlin Senate and must undergo an approval process by the local BAföG administrative authority. Courses undergoing approval will not display as available for BAföG until the approval process has been successfully completed.

For further reference: 

  • All current BIMM University Berlin courses are registered with the Berlin Senate. 
  • Courses running new in 2024 are currently in the process of being registered with the Berlin Senate and will be listed on the STW Berlin page shortly. 
  • Applications can already be submitted, even for programs under review (if applicable, retroactive payment from the date of application will be made). 
  • Once the programs are approved for BAföG, the student must also meet their individual requirements to receive funding. Further information on this within ‘who can apply for BAföG’, below. 
  • All further information and updates on the processing status of our study programs is available via the Berlin BAföG office, studierendenWERK Berlin (STW Berlin). Their contact details are listed at the base of this page

Who can apply for BAföG?

The Berlin BAföG office, STW Berlin, reviews each application on a case-by-case basis and can advise you on your eligibility. We recommend contacting them directly in all cases. 

As general guidance, individuals fulfilling the criteria below will be eligible to receive BAföG. Please note that the amount awarded is dependent on your personal and household financial circumstances. STW Berlin can advise you further on this. 

  • German citizens studying a bachelor or master’s course at BIMM University Berlin. 
  • EU citizens (including Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein and Switzerland) might be eligible if they: 
    • Are working in Germany at the time of study and have been for at least 10 weeks. They must work for at least 12hrs a week on a monthly average and continue to do so for the full duration of studies. 


    • Are permanent residents in Germany (generally issued after living here for 5-years) 


    • Are employed in a field associated with their field of study and have been for at least 6 months 


    • Have a spouse who is a German citizen and is currently employed in Germany 


    • Have a parent/ guardian who is an EU citizen and has been working in Germany for at least 3 of the last 6 years.
  • Non-EU citizens might be eligible if they: 
    • Have a settlement permit in Germany 


    • Have a residence permit with the prospective right to stay in Germany long term, and have legally lived in Germany for at least 15 months (excluding persons with a resident permit with the exclusive purpose of studying in Germany, unless they don’t fulfil one of the above-mentioned criteria) 


    • Have been working in Germany for at least 5-years prior to their studies 


    • A parent has been working in Germany for at least 3-years within the last 6 years prior to their studies 

Further information is available via the STW Berlin website. 

When will I receive BAföG?

BAföG can be applied for throughout your studies, as you may only be eligible for it once you have been living and working alongside your studies in Germany for a certain amount of time. Payments will be made, subject to eligibility criteria, from the month your valid application was submitted to STW Berlin. 

For applicants who meet the criteria before their studies start, we encourage you to submit your application no later than September. BAföG will then be paid from the first week of your studies onwards (subject to eligibility criteria). 

Please note all payments are subject to eligibility, which is determined by STW Berlin and regulated by federal BAföG regulation.

Further information & FAQs:

We’re here to help with advice on this process, but please note that your eligibility and application is processed entirely by studierendenWERK Berlin (STW Berlin), and we advise you speak with them regarding all BAföG application enquiries: 


studierendenWERK BERLIN
Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts
Behrenstraße 40/41
10117 Berlin

Phone.: (030) 939 39 – 6000
Email: contact form or


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