All Music Friday: BIMM students join Spotify’s first music industry summit in Germany

12 May, 2023

A couple of weeks ago, students from BIMM University Berlin and Hamburg took part in Spotify’s music industry summit “All Music Friday”. They joined exclusive panel talks and masterclasses with industry professionals and artists. Take a look at what went down during All Music Friday.

Taking place at Wilhelm Hallen in Berlin, the event kicked off with a welcome on the main stage by presenter Salwa Houmsi and continued with insightful panel talks happening on the main stage, discovery stage, in Orange Studio and the Community Space. Artist managers, A&R scouts, label heads, artists, marketeers, and other industry professionals came together to give newcomers in the music industry advice and share their invaluable experience with them.

One of our highlights was a panel on Global Music Discovery with Sulinna Ong, Global Head of Editorial at Spotify.

‘People are more open to listening to music from around the world. There really isn’t the resistance to music in another language anymore. (…) Being able to explore music no matter where it comes from is one of the things that streaming has really driven.’

– Sulinna Ong

Sulinna Ong on stage at Spotify’s first music industry summit in Germany


We then also joined a talk with artist, producer and songwriter MINE, who talked about her experience working with other artists as well as her own projects and perfectionism.

Afterwards we found out about the key aspects of artist development during a panel with Lexa Bippus from Four Music, Moritz Goller who manages German artist Nina Chuba and Caroline Steinigk from Warner Music. When talking about how to begin with developing an artist and working together with them to create a vision and goal, Lexa Bippus said:

‘The first impression, we all know about it, is the one that counts and that you remember.’

– Lexa Bippus

For our last panel talk of the day, we joined legendary band Tokio Hotel as they were talking about working together as a band and with their team throughout the years and how it’s important to them to work with people they know, are friends with and can trust.

We had an amazing day at All Music Friday and also caught up with Nayeli Herrera Brincker, student at BIMM University Berlin who won the Spotify Scholarship:

‘It was amazing to visit Spotify’s All Music Friday and I learnt a lot about how other artists work and their opinions on music trends. I especially enjoyed the workshop about Gender equality and the talk with RIN, Domiziana and Mine. I enjoyed the day a lot, thank you so much to Spotify and BIMM for inviting me.’

– Nayeli Herrera Brincker

BIMM students join Spotify’s first music industry summit in Germany

Want to find out how we connect students with the industry? Read more about it here.

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